14:08:29 From stepanova.1 : Will you be sending the link later? 14:11:03 From Irina Ivliyeva : Please post the July 29 Webinar link in the chat 14:11:54 From Irina Dubinina : Free w(2 Central / 1 Mountain / 12 Pacific)ebinar from IALLT on July 29, 2020 at 3 pm Eastern Online, Hybrid, Hyflex, and High Stress: Preparing for Fall 2020 with Noah McLaughlin (Kennesaw State University), Florencia Henshaw (University of Illinois), Kevin Gaugler (Marist College) Registration link: https://forms.gle/dfogtJgahcQWEAd 14:12:36 From Irina Dubinina : Kim DiMattia will be offering a free online class in pronunciation in the fall and again in the spring for anyone who is interested. Participants will be required to buy a book. Kim’s e-mail: 14:18:03 From Colleen Lucey : yes, the link will be sent out after the conversation 14:28:33 From Lindsay Ceballos : The article I mentioned on false assumption that inclusivity is a “zero-sum game”: https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication%20Files/norton%20sommers%20whites%20see%20racism_ca92b4be-cab9-491d-8a87-cf1c6ff244ad.pdf 14:36:16 From Irina Dubinina : Our textbooks also rarely present anything outside of St. Petersburg and Moscow. 14:37:14 From natasha karageorgos : And in the pictures in all textbooks I saw, it is always only slavic-looking people 14:38:00 From RU Dan Davidson : Ref. Intersectionality - the forthcoming issue of RLJ is devoted entirely to the study and teaching of Russian in the bilingual environment of Kazakhstan; learning Russian in a bilingual environment where Russian is a lingua franca. 14:38:21 From Lee Roby : Mezhdu name features 4 Americans including a Mexican-American, a Chinese-American and Jewish student. These students are studying in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Irkutsk and Kazan and so one host is also Tatar. That is a start (though clearly not fully inclusive). 14:39:00 From Irina Dubinina : Yes, Mezhdu nami really broke the ground with this 14:39:01 From Lee Roby : *Mezhdu nami (not Mezhdu name) 14:39:06 From Jane Shuffelton : Even the discussion of names focuses on ethnic Russian/Slavic names, never or rarely a Kazakh or Tatar name. 14:40:25 From natasha karageorgos : Yes. The understanding of Russia as a multi-ethnic country is barely present in language teaching materials 14:42:03 From Maria Khotimsky : How do we address current xenophobia , racism, and homophobia in Russia, especially when preparing students to go abroad? (especially in light of recent constitution amendments in Russia)? 14:42:17 From Susan Kresin : A small but easy way to broaden the scope is to give students songs from the broader Russian-speaking world. There are many with millions of hits! 14:42:18 From Lindsay Ceballos : Fabulous question. 14:42:31 From Richard Robin : While everyone is worried about microagressions, would someone address the need to inform students, especially minorities, about the macroagressionst that they are likely to experience when they talk to real Russians (emigres or in country) where the conversations on race are not exactly.... moderated, even in environments, such as academia, where one would not find such open hostility in the US. 14:44:42 From Colleen Lucey : @Richard thank you for your question and we will get to it 14:50:53 From Ольга Климова : We have developed and been using a variety of learning activities and assessments throughout the entire academic year, using authentic web-based resources in Russian from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. I think that creating even a small reading or listening activity for input and the improvement of intercultural competence can be the way to solve the limitations of our current textbooks. Creating a collective OER database might be another way for us to share some ideas and texts to address diversity and inclusion in our Russian language teaching. 14:52:14 From Irina Dubinina : I want to support Olga’s call to have a database of such resources. It would be super helpful! 14:53:38 From Lidia : I support this great idea about OER. 14:55:58 From RU Dan Davidson : Richard Robin's question about macro-aggressions should also be brought up in the discussion of study abroad and inclusivity in study abroad at our August 7 National Conversation. We will have representative of NSLI-Y, CLS, RLASP and Flagship commenting on the current environment and student support overseas. 14:58:06 From Colleen Lucey : From Lindsay: https://wheatoncollege.edu/academics/special-projects-initiatives/center-for-collaborative-teaching-and-learning/anti-racist-educator/ 14:58:28 From Lindsay Ceballos : above, if it’s useful, a helpful guide for creating an anti-racist teaching agenda, via Wheaton College 14:59:53 From Ольга Климова : How do you address the question of gender diversity in your classes, especially with Russian language not really allowing us for the inclusive language like in English.l 15:01:13 From Alla Kourova : I have found this article, but not sure about the context:https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/06/us/racism-words-phrases-slavery-trnd/index.html Everyday words and phrases that have racist connotations By Scottie Andrew and Harmeet Kaur, CNN 15:01:20 From Lee Roby : Instructors need resources to have better, more informed, and more nuanced conversations with our students pre-study abroad. ACTR could/should publish some strategies for such conversations - to both provide helpful suggestions and also to make sure that the conversation isn't just perpetrating negative stereotypes of Russians. It is a difficult balance. 15:03:12 From Valentina Iepuri : A good teaching material to discuss the topic "Black women in Russia" - TV programы "Когда все дома" and "Судьба человека" with a famous TV host Клена Ханга 15:03:38 From Valentina Iepuri : Елена Ханга 15:04:02 From Lindsay Ceballos : Maria Kh.’s question about xenophobia and homophobia was a great point - how can we prepare students for this cultural climate better, esp. those studying abroad? 15:07:00 From Colleen Lucey : Here is the blog entry: https://blog.seej.org/index.php/2018/10/25/can-you-be-nonbinary-in-russian/ 15:07:08 From Erica : Thank you! 15:07:10 From Ivan Savvine : The People’s Friendship University (Moscow) published a number of textbooks that normally include quite diverse groups of protagonists coming from Africa, Asia, etc, thus providing a much more international context to the subject of study as opposed to more Russian-centric materials that we utilize here in the U.S.: https://roslib.rudn.ru/library 15:07:19 From Colleen Lucey : by Cecil Leigh Wilson 15:07:56 From Colleen Lucey : thank you @Ivan for that important resource 15:16:32 From Carrie Hoke : Concerning inclusivity of students with disabilities - I will have a student this year in my 7th grade Russian class who has speaking disabilities. If any of you have ideas on how I can help her to feel more included and successful in the classroom, I would appreciate it. choke@mc.academy 15:17:02 From Carrie Hoke : Lauren - I would love to talk to you about your grading procedures. Could you share your contact info? 15:17:50 From Lauren Nelson : LANelson@pritzkercollegeprep.org I just wrote your name down because I was going to email you about your student! I have had many students with IEPs in my classroom and would love to talk through some ideas. 15:18:28 From Carrie Hoke : Thank you, Lauren!! I would love your advice! 15:18:35 From Lindsay Ceballos : Here is a form you might use to survey students’ connectivity and access in advance of the semester (if you need permission to access it, my email is ceballol@lafayette.edu): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FSJK6DFSh4alpXw_g_9Lwcy3mNrxuVRQvcbJL_daAC4/edit 15:19:29 From Lauren Nelson : Re: Tom’s comment: Pushkin’s African identity is core to the idea behind the Pushkin Summer Institute and the Pushkin Scholars program :) 15:19:50 From Lindsay Ceballos : this Pushkin scholars program seems AWESOME 15:20:05 From Lee Roby : Here are Teaching Tolerance's Social Justice Standards: The Teaching Tolerence Anti-Bias Framework. https://www.tolerance.org/sites/default/files/2017-06/TT_Social_Justice_Standards_0.pdf The The ACTFL publication _Words and Actions: Teaching Languages through the Lens of Social Justice_ (https://www.thelanguageeducator.org/actfl/words_and_actions/MobilePagedReplica.action?pm=2&folio=Cover#pg1) provides idea for lesson plans and even lesson plan templates. Lesson plans and templates how how to incorporate SJ standards into lessons that are aligned with ACTFL proficiency guidelines and performance benchmarks. 15:20:30 From Katia Korsunsky : Lindsey, the forms are unavailable without a permission 15:20:32 From natasha karageorgos : I would be grateful for some advice for teaching the students who has difficulties with audio-processing, which is amplified when we are online. I’ve been thinking about adding automatic subtitles in Russian to zoom, but I did not find a way to do it so far. 15:20:44 From natasha karageorgos : My email is gavrnata@gmail.com 15:21:26 From Lindsay Ceballos : @Katia it should work now. Or I can email you! 15:23:58 From Katia Korsunsky : Do you require turning camera on in the first semester of Russian (with virtual background if needed)? 15:26:41 From Irina Dubinina : @Katia: I plan to require the camera on. Virtual background is an even bigger problem. Only the newest computers/tablets can do that. 15:27:19 From Colleen Lucey : On Lee’s question, some helpful information available here: https://www.aatseel.org/development/resources-for/ compiled by Rachel Stauffer 15:28:37 From Katia Korsunsky : @Irina: Thank you. I am planning to require this too, sinceI find it impossible to work on phonetics which is so crucial in the first year 15:28:45 From Karen Evans-Romaine : Thank you all very, very much for a stimulating and thought-provoking discussion! 15:29:44 From Susan Kresin : Thanks for that great list, Rachel, and Colleen for the link! 15:29:57 From Irina Ivliyeva : THANK YOU! 15:30:02 From David Parker : Спасибо вам огромное! 15:30:11 From Valentina Iepuri : Thank you! 15:30:21 From Alla Kourova : Thanks you a lot! Very helpful! 15:30:27 From Ольга Климова : Thank you, all! 15:30:29 From Elena Doludenko : Thank you! 15:30:46 From Katya Cooke : Thank you! 15:30:50 From Erica : these meetings are a wonderful chance to learn something new and extremely relevant nowadays! 15:31:02 From Marina Milkis : Спасибо большое! 15:31:03 From Heather Rogers : This has been an extremely helpful conversation. Thank you to all the panelists and organizers. 15:31:06 From Thomas Garza : “Decolonizing Foreign Language Education” Donaldo Macedo, ed. 2019. 15:31:08 From Valentina Iepuri : yes, indeed 15:31:25 From Anastasiia Gordiienko : Thank you for the wonderful, motivating discussion! 15:31:51 From Susan Kresin : So hopeful - thank you all so much! 15:32:10 From Karen Evans-Romaine : Looking forward to it! 15:32:42 From Lisa Bennett : Thank you 15:32:44 From Katia Korsunsky : Thank you! 15:32:55 From Lidia : Thank you!